Nymphomaniac: deep description of a sick person's life or just a description of a normal life?

Trips’ Tips

“To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, to draw closer, to find each other and to feel. That is the purpose of life”.
Per chi, come me e come Walter Mitty, si sentiva o, tuttora, si sente imprigionato in un presente e in una vita senza più obiettivi e da un giorno all’altro ha la possibilità di cambiare, di prendere tutto il necessario e di partire alla scoperta del mondo, per voi saranno i miei consigli di viaggi (Trips’ Tips).
Voi siete la cosiddetta generazione dei “cervelli in fuga”, voi potete essere “cervelli” o non, giovani o non, ma, sicuramente, siete arrivati ad avere consapevolezza della vostra vita e di tutto ciò che vi è possibile fare.
È interessante sapere perché non è più così facile immaginare un futuro nel proprio paese natio. Cercherò, quindi, di sgrovigliare questa matassa descrivendovi come differisce la vita in un’altra nazione, in questo caso il Belgio, più in particolare Bruxelles.
Senza fare alcuna demagogia analizzerò le differenze positive e negative tra queste due nazioni e non solo.
In queste pagine parlerò del mio viaggio, della mia partenza dall’Italia.
L’obiettivo è proprio aiutarvi a farlo, non solo dandovi una mano, tramite link, nel trovare casa, lavoro e amici; ma anche ampliando la vostra cultura del bello o del brutto o del mediocre descrivendo, criticando ed entusiasmandovi riguardo a film, canzoni e tutte quelle forme d’arte di cui è possibile parlare e, soprattutto, scrivere.
Con manifestazioni e spettacoli di ogni genere, vi renderò partecipi e vi incuriosirò a tal punto da fare una capatina in quel di Bruxelles.
Questo blog potrà essere per voi una guida sul prossimo film da vedere oppure sulla prossima città da esplorare.

Chiara Girardi

Chiara Girardi
Chiara Girardi, classe 1989, è nata a San Benedetto del Tronto, ma vive da sempre ad Ascoli. Dopo aver conseguito la maturità classica si iscrive a Lingue e Letterature Straniere, lingua Inglese e Russo, all’Università “Carlo Bo” di Urbino. La facoltà le offre la possibilità di spendere il suo terzo anno in Erasmus a Nottingham, con un soggiorno di 10 mesi per frequentare la Nottingham Trent University. Laureatasi a Urbino sceglie di continuare gli studi all’estero e cerca, con successo, l'iscrizione a un Master a numero chiuso di Giornalismo Internazionale alla Dublin City University, in Irlanda. Così, Chiara sceglie di andare a vivere a Dublino, dove rimane anche dopo la laurea per continuare gli studi e allo stesso tempo guadagnarsi da vivere lavorando e scrivendo articoli su giornali italiani della città e magazine online. Fa un corso serale di Russo al Trinity College Dublin, dove la vita per un anno e mezzo procede fra studio e lavoro, sino a quando decide di trasferirsi ulteriormente in Inghilterra, a Brighton. Nel Regno Unito le cose non vanno granché bene, così, dopo appena 3 mesi, Chiara decide di tornare in Italia. Un “viaggio della speranza al contrario” che porta Chiara a fare un lavoro che non la soddisfa e non trovando nient’altro, dopo vari tentativi di ricerca di un lavoro nel mondo, torna in Europa per un tirocinio a Bruxelles.


Trips’ Tips

Nov 4

Nymphomaniac: deep description of a sick person's life or just a description of a normal life?

Nymphomaniac is a movie released in two different parts, fortunately for us, because that's not really easy to watch and neither to understand

di Chiara Girardi


Sometimes we said that you have to watch a movie twice or more to understand it; personally, I do not want to watch it again. I was totally confused because I've never met someone with these kind of problems or maybe, I've met someone but I had no idea he/she had these kind of problems.

Seligman: "Freud says the opposite. He talks about the polymorphic perversion of a child. Meaning that in a child, all kinds of perversions exist. And then we use the childhood to diminish or remove some of them. Basically a child is sexually polymorphic and everything is sexuality in an infant."

Watching the movie, even the main actress, Joe, underlines the main issue about nymphomania: the loneliness of those who have it. That's in theory a normal human condition accentuated by some people than others, even though this movie is really crude and maybe too descriptive. The protagonist describes every single important moment of her life dividing it in chapters; each chapter has a title inspired by an object around her. It's significative to notice that each object for her means something sexual and from each of them she can start a new story, a new chapter of her sick life.

By the way, I was totally fascinated by the dialogues between the main character and the Jew, Seligman. Between a chapter and another, Seligman asked questions about the stories and from those questions, different topics came out.

Most of the chapters dealt with the devil and the hell, according to the interpretations of Seligman, and some of them dealt with the meaning of love for Joe:

"But this idiotic love... I felt humiliated by it... And all the dishonesty that follows. Love appeals to the lowest instincts, wrapped up in lies. How do you say yes when you mean no and vice versa?"

Seligman: "Love is blind. "

Joe: "No, no, no, it's worse. Love distort things. Or even worse, love is something you've never asked for."

The metaphor I've liked more was that one about the search of Joe's soul in the mountains' trees. In the Volume II she found her soul, finally, on the top of a hill, she found a curve tree, alone there, waiting to be find.

Young Joe: "I think they look like human souls."

Joe's Father: "They do look like human souls. Twisted souls. Regular Souls. Crazy souls. All depending on the kind of lives human beings lead."

"It's actually the souls of the trees we're seeing in the winter. In summer everything is green and idyllic but in the winter, the branches and the trunks all stand out. Just look at how crooked they all are. The branches have to carry all the leaves to the sunlight. That's one long struggle for survival," Joe said.

She spent her life as that tree, waiting to be find or waiting to find here wellness even though sadly she didn't. The actress didn't find her wellness but seems that she has understood the lesson of her whole life: stay away from what you don't really want and do what makes you happy even if that's not what make the society happy.

Joe: "The human qualities can be expressed in one word: Hypocrisy. We elevate those who say "right" but mean "wrong" and mock those who say "wrong" but mean "right." By the way, I can assure you that women who claim that negros don't turn them on, they're lying."

The change of actors confused me not less, even because the movie is a continuous flashback and it's not always easy to remember where and when all the actors' changings occurred.

I had some doubts, or maybe I didn't understand her deep love for the father, it seemed to me like the beginning of everything, the beginning of her sickness.

I'd loved the final scene, we don't need to see what happened, we don't need a sequel, we just understood and heard what she did in that darkness.

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